PVC Outdoor Logo Mats
Product details – PVC 9mm
The flexible curved open structure vinyl mesh of PVC 9mm traps sufficient quantities of soil, and other pollutants. It has a very good fit in the recesses, while its specially made substrate protects the floors from damage. It is ideal for moderate traffic areas and is easy to clean.
Product Specifications Use:
- Outdoor
- Indoors
- Available with or without logo in any dimension.
- Thickness 9mm.
- Resistance to chemicals.
- It has a substrate.
- Possibility of installing a 2.5cm plastic finish.
- Periodic washing with water or pressure machine.
Product details - PVC 15mm
The thick curved open vinyl mesh of pvc 15mm, traps large amounts of soil, mud and other pollutants without much effort. It has an excellent fit in the recesses, without having a substrate to remove soil, mud and water from the bottom.
Product specifications Use:
- Outdoor.
- Available with or without logo in any dimension.
- Thickness 15mm
- Resistance to chemicals.
- High soil and mud retention.
- Possibility of installing a 3.5cm plastic finish
- Periodic washing with water and detergent.
Available in the following colors: